

Welcome to Bright Vision Care Hospital, your trusted partner in preserving eye health and enhancing vision. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore Stargardt disease, a rare genetic eye disorder that affects central vision. Our mission is to provide you with valuable information about Stargardt, including its symptoms, effective do's and don'ts for management, recommended eye exercises for maintaining visual function, and expert care to support you or your loved ones in living well with this condition.

Stargardt disease, also known as juvenile macular degeneration, can be challenging, but understanding its nuances and taking proactive measures are essential for optimizing eye health and quality of life.



Central Vision Loss

Stargardt primarily impacts central vision, leading to a gradual loss of sharpness and detail in the center of the visual field.

Blind Spots

Individuals with Stargardt may experience blind spots in their central vision, making it difficult to read, recognize faces, or perform tasks that require detailed focus.

Color Vision Changes

Some individuals may notice changes in color perception, including difficulty distinguishing between certain colors.

Difficulty Adapting to Low Light

Stargardt can result in increased sensitivity to light and difficulty adapting to changes in lighting conditions.

Reduced Contrast Sensitivity

Contrast sensitivity, which allows for distinguishing objects from their background, may be compromised in Stargardt.


Do's & Dont's

Regular Eye Check-ups

Schedule regular eye examinations with a retina specialist to monitor the progression of Stargardt and explore treatment options.

Low-Vision Aids

Consider using low-vision aids and assistive technologies, such as magnifiers and screen readers, to enhance daily living and maintain independence.

Healthy Lifestyle

Maintain a balanced diet rich in eye-healthy nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, and wear UV-blocking sunglasses to protect your eyes from harmful rays.

Support Networks

Join support groups or connect with others who have Stargardt to share experiences and coping strategies.

Seek Genetic Counseling

If you have a family history of Stargardt, consider genetic counseling to understand your risk and make informed family planning decisions.

Don't Smoke

Avoid smoking, as it can exacerbate eye conditions like Stargardt and increase the risk of complications.

Avoid High-Risk Activities

Refrain from activities that may pose a risk of injury due to vision impairment, such as driving when your vision no longer meets legal requirements.

Don't Skip Eye Exams

Do not skip or delay regular eye examinations, as monitoring Stargardt's progression is crucial for timely intervention.

Limit Excessive Sun Exposure

Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses and avoiding prolonged sun exposure without protection.

Don't Self-Medicate

Avoid self-prescribing dietary supplements or medications without consulting a healthcare professional or specialist.


While there are no specific exercises to treat Stargardt, maintaining overall eye health is essential. Consider these practices:

Eye Health Supplements

Discuss with your healthcare provider the use of supplements that support eye health, such as those containing lutein and zeaxanthin.

Low-Vision Rehabilitation

Participate in low-vision rehabilitation programs to learn strategies for optimizing your remaining vision.

Orientation and Mobility Training

If needed, consider orientation and mobility training to enhance your ability to navigate safely.

Visual Field Awareness

Practice maintaining awareness of your peripheral vision and train your brain to make better use of it.

Adaptive Technology

Learn to use adaptive technologies and devices that can assist with tasks such as reading and using digital devices.



Stargardt disease is a genetic eye condition that affects central vision. At Bright Vision Care Hospital, we are committed to providing you with expert care and support to navigate life with Stargardt. By following the do's and don'ts, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, seeking professional care, and incorporating low-vision strategies and technologies, you can enhance your quality of life and maintain independence.